Hafsa Errabboun


Born in 1999, Hafsa Errabboun, who also goes by RABON, is a Self-taught artist from Agadir.                                                                                                                         She got her baccalaureate degree in 2018 in Physics. In the same year, she won the Réseau de lecture au Maroc’s national reading prize.  After getting her DUT diploma in computer science in 2020 she made a few art/programming related projects, worked on a traveling agency for a whole year and then decided to quite everything to focus on her dream which is making comics.                                                                                                                                                                                    Besides selling few of her paintings to some coffeeshops/individuals, RABON published her first comic named “GreenSleeves“. The latter tacles few themes like mental health and social acceptance in the scope of a story about a Moroccan urban legend.

Work Samples